Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God is shaking things up for Humboldt County!

As most of you know, there was a 6.5 earthquake that hit 22 miles off the northwest coast of California. Funny enough, I went to the Broadway Cinema and was working concession when I was hit with the quake. I promise you that I am alright and it sounds like everyone else is too. It hit the hardest in Ferndale which is a town right on the coast and about 2 cities away from Fortuna. It hit the second hardest in Eureka. I was getting a large popcorn for a gentleman when my feet felt like they were slowly moving side to side. At first, I thought it was all in my head (I have some motion problems with my head since I came here and in Colorado that made me feel like I was moving in my head when I wasn't) until the first slam hit seconds later. I had enough time to set down the large popcorn that was full (and ironically, it didn't spill or tip throughout the whole event) and prepared myself. I remember hearing some loud banging near me (which was the kettle of the popcorn machine slamming) and then loud rumblings. For the first impact, my head was a little delayed on figuring out what was going on. I felt out of it and in a dream (very hazy) until I heard myself scream (funny, I was the only one that did, it startled me!) and it snapped me out of it and my head screamed "IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE!" After that, we were rocked twice more with the slamming sensation. My hearing came back after my scream and I heard a guy yell "RUN" which I then proceeded to run to the door. It's funny because as I'm typing this story, I'm laughing. I find it a funny story to tell of my reaction to the whole thing (nothing fell or was destroyed in the earthquake for the theater). After that I stood outside, holding the door, and trying to direct the massive amount of people out of the theater. I still could feel the ground doing the slow rocking sensation (it was the weirdest feeling). After everyone left, we had no power, so we got the rest of the day off! Oh and as soon as I stepped outside, I got to see a BEAUTIFUL sunset! I for one, totally feel that the earthquake was something spiritual....it had some serious significance for what God is about to do in this area! Breakthrough is coming, even the Earth felt it so it had to shutter!

Just 4 days before this earthquake, my class went with Beni Johnson to Ferndale and stood in the cemetery at the top of the city and screamed 'WAKEY WAKEY.' If you don't understand this, I suggest you purchase Beni Johnson's cd "Wakey Wakey" (I also have one if you'd like to borrow it and know what I mean). I won't go into detail about that, that will be your homework to find out what I mean by that! lol!

So besides all this earthquake stuff, life goes on. I actually had my laptop crash a few days ago in class (luckily I was able to get all my files transfered to my roommate's external hard drive!). I'm currently sick right now with a headcold (partly from overworking and stressing about work, partly school chaos, and partly the weather). It's been raining nonstop for about 3-4 days now. Apparently this is normal for California in the winter. They say this was actually supposed to happen months ago! Geez!

I still would like your prayers and support for my school funding. Yes I got a job, but a job will only pay for so much. My car is currently needing new brakes, a fix in the popped tire, new CVG Joint things, and more. So if you'd like to donate money or something, let me know! If not, please be praying! I know God will bless me with the money I need (He promises to be my Provider all the time!) So I guess go with whatever God tells you to do! I still need about $4,200! But God is Good!!

Speaking of God, He has really been opening up the supernatural and spiritual realms to me lately. My heart's desire is for a life lived in the spiritual realm, or in the supernatural atmosphere and through prophetic words over me this year, God had promised just that! He says I will get to see angels soon, go to Heaven whenever I want, have crazy breakthrough in signs and wonders, and much more! I can't wait to see how God's going to pour out on the next Great Awakening in this area!

Ok, well I better go! I need to get some rest! Please let me know if you have any prayer needs! I love you all and miss you all like crazy! God Bless!