Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Time of Cooling Down

Hey world!
First off, I'm so grateful for the weather change. Redding has been ridiculously hot and it feels so nice to have cool, cold, and wet weather. It came right on the first of October and has stayed since then! Answer to prayers? Yes!! Anyway, we are finally completely in the swing of things at school. We have a core group of people that we meet with once a week called a Revival Group and it's overseen by a Revival Group Pastor. This year, I was placed in Marlene Aaronson's group and couldn't be more grateful! In my group, we have about 70-75 people from first year (I don't know the exact number). It definitely is quite the endeavor to try and meet all of them and to get to know them all personally. But I feel like I'm definitely further than I ever thought because God miraculously made us a family right away. We all bonded as brothers and sisters so closely ever since we all gathered together the first time. It's so funny to think that this is exactly what I needed, a family of revivalists!

So we went on our school retreat which consisted of about 4-5 revival groups going up to JH Ranch in Etna for 2-3 days. It was amazing! It was beautiful, and cold, and the food was amazing! That was definitely a time when my revival group really started to connect with each other on a heart level.

Anyway, besides being so amazingly overwhelmed and overjoyed by the group I've been placed in, I'm so excited to see what God is going to do this year. In this school, they offer quarterly classes called AMT's (Advanced Ministry Training). Right now, I've chosen to be in Supernatural Evangelism because I felt like God wanted me to get out of my comfort zone, trust Him, and step out to truly love people. I still have a lot to learn but I'm definitely hopeful on this! Another thing to mention is that last night they opened up the applications to register for a mission trip! I'm so excited for this! All mission trips are in the end of March-beginning of April and go everywhere. We can only choose 5! I chose Japan, Thailand (Mae Sot), Thailand (Pattaya), New York City, and Los Angeles. I'll let you know when they tell me where I'm going! I'm not too sure on the financing part but I know God is Jehovah Jirah- the God who provides! Woot!

Speaking of finances, I'm still looking for a job. It's been really discouraging lately because every place that says they are hiring online, I'll go and talk to them and they'll say they just hired someone or they aren't hiring at all. Ugh. I've been consistent at going into places over and over to check on the application but I still have not received any calls for interviews. Not sure what this is going to look like, but unlike last year, I'm not giving up! I made a huge mistake last year in hardly putting in an effort for the job hunt so I'm really trying this time. The only big concern I have right now would be for my car and for gas! Redding is quite the big "town" and it does take a lot of gas to get to places......gas/money I don't have! And, my car is in need of desperate repairs so I can register in California. So, if you have nothing better to do but pray, feel free to pray favor into my car and this situation! :D Anyway, I'm not too worried because God is really teaching me to trust Him and to give my cares to Him because He cares for me. He really does come through every time, even though it does seem impossible! But until the miracle comes, I will continue to put an effort into doing what is best! Job hunting! Yay! Oh and pray that I get a job! ha ha!

Anyway, school continues to blow my mind! God is doing such an amazing work in me and my classmates this year! I continue to be grateful for all the amazing teaching we have been receiving and for the amazing teachers that pour into our lives! Kris Vallotton yesterday spoke on purity and even though I've heard this message and story about 4 times now, it never gets old. It has inspired us all into a new level of purity that we won't back down from. Besides that, the teachers move in the Holy Spirit and sometimes will just allow us to worship during class time or they release healing. So many people came broken and wounded and God has really been taking the time to touch the heart of the students. It's been so good!!!! It's like there's a whole new level of freedom that has just been released for my class! And it's only the 2nd month of school!!!! Wow!!

I guess that's all I can think of for now. I can't wait to see what God's going to do next! Feel free to contact me in anyway and let me know how you are doing or if you need prayer! I love you all very much and pray that you get rocked by God's love as well! :D

God Bless,