Monday, July 25, 2011

Taking a Giant Leap of Faith

Hello all!

I send you greetings from the hot state of California. It's July already. Can you believe it? Anyway, here's what's been going on lately. I didn't know this but California requires that you register your car here 20 days after you move here....whoops.....I kinda dropped the ball on that one. So I've been working feverishly to do just that and in order to register here you have to pass a smog test.....and go figure, my car doesn't pass. So I take it into the shop to see what needs to be fixed now and was shocked to see that it would cost an arm and a leg to fix these certain things. Lame!!! So I'm scratching my head and wondering what in the world to do now since I have such a limited budget until I get a job. Oy.

Well, besides that, I've begun the painstaking process of finding a job in Redding for when I move down there. Not so easy to check in on applications when you live two hours away. And then there's the priority of housing as well. LOL Sounds like I'm in quite the predicament but luckily there's still time so I will continue to go all out to search for these things.....any chance you could be praying for a miracle? That's always a relief.

Anyway, so enough about the bad news. I got to go strawberry picking for the first time a couple of weeks ago and then got to go cherry picking for the first time two nights ago! Hooray for firsts!

We had a painting day and I enjoyed it very much but I hate one thing, I'm such a perfectionist that when I try to paint the beautiful pictures that are in my head, I get so frustrated because it never comes out the way I want it to. Oh well, I guess there's always room for growth right? :D And as they say, practice makes perfect.

Honestly, I can't really think of anything else to update you on. I can tell you this, God is good all the time and He is my Provider. He loves you so much, it truly is a mind-blowing miracle of what Jesus did for us. I find myself being reminded of what Jesus did lately. He still continues to do a deep work on my heart and I'm so grateful that He hasn't given up on me yet. I'm not perfect by any means but I know that His love will cover me and will heal me and take me so much deeper. I want to be right smack in the center of His will for I know that it's the best place for me. I find rest in Him, I find true peace, I find true love. I'm hoping that any and all who are reading this could have a revelation of how much God loves you. Don't let your broken heart, anger, bitterness, and hatred keep you from the amazing destiny God has for you. Just put your trust in Him and I can assure you that everything's going to be ok. It may not be easy, but He won't abandon you either.

Anyway, there's my advice for the day. I love you all very much and miss you all tremendously! May God shower His love on you today and everyday!

God bless,